Finely diced. Lost in Random tells a story of two sisters, Even and Odd, who inhabit a fantastical storybook world of woollen chess pieces and steampunk teapots and the like. They’re separated by the Queen in accordance with a draconian tradition that sees children roll a dice on their twelfth birthday to determine their station […]
Déjà intéressé par les services de Sergino Dest l’été dernier, l’AS Monaco compterait retenter sa chance. Selon Sport, les Monégasques auraient récemment contacté les dirigeants du Barça pour faire part de leur intérêt. En arrachant Sergino Dest à l’Ajax Amsterdam en 2020, le FC Barcelone pensait sans doute avoir recruté un joueur d’avenir qui sécuriserait […]
It’s no secret that certain colours can make us feel some type of way. Whether you’re curating a killer wardrobe filled with your favourite seasonal hues or a lipstick collection for the ages, we often tend to gravitate toward certain shades without even realising it. According to Lynn Marks, the International Director of the London Image Institute, […]