Games World

New Letter Details Why Donkey Kong 64’s Innovative “Stop ‘N’ Swop” Feature Was Removed

“We must ask that you remove this feature”.

Stop ‘N’ Swop was undoubtedly one of the N64’s biggest mysteries, and even now, we’re still learning new things about it decades later. With six coloured eggs and an ice key scattered across Banjo-Kazooie, it was designed as a means of unlocking special content in the sequel, Banjo-Tooie. It was never used in the end, but Rare had plans for it beyond the Banjo-Kazooie series – back in 2018, Rare software developer Paul Machacek confirmed it was intended for more games, including Conker’s Bad Fur Day.

Donkey Kong 64 was another one of these games, and now, Paul Machacek has revealed the letter from Nintendo which ultimately put an end to its functionality in that particular title. Releasing this via Rare Gamer, the letter was directly addressed to Chris Stamper, former joint head of Rare.

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