Games World

Feature: 6 Huge Video Game Franchises Missing From Nintendo Switch

They’ve all played with power in the past.

Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island for the past four years (hey, lucky you — wish you’d stayed there now, right?), it’s hard to miss how Switch has taken Nintendo back to the sort of mainstream success is achieved with the Wii two console generations ago. Wii U might have bombed commercially (although it had a pretty spectacular library of games), but its hybrid successor has put Nintendo back on top, attracting the most talented developers and the biggest names in the industry to put games on the console.

However, there remain some famous franchises and luminary studios that haven’t come to Switch yet. No, we’re not talking about ports from PC developers or mobile gaming giants bringing unlikely ports of their world-conquering MOBAs and clickers; rather, devs and publishers with a storied console history — which includes Nintendo systems — that haven’t showed up to the Switch party for some reason.

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