The Affordable Prints That’ll Make Your House Look Like a Gallery
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It’s now been almost two months since I moved house, and things are finally starting to shape up, but for me, a house never quite feels like a home without artwork on the walls. At uni, I was always one of those people who had a small art gallery’s worth of postcards and posters that I pinned up on the wall at the start of every term. (Spot the history of art student.) Finding unusual yet affordable artwork became a bit of an obsession that has continued to this day, and I’ve loved adding to my collection over the years.
Conveniently, there are more avenues than ever for discovering lesser-known artists and stand-out design thanks to platforms such as Instagram, Etsy, and Pinterest. Not unlike finding yourself in a remote corner of a car boot sale, there’s a certain thrill that comes from stumbling across an affordable gem on an obscure Etsy account or spotting a tagged creative on a fellow fashion editor’s feed. It might take time to find those pieces, but trust me—it’s worth it when you do. To get you started, I’ve rounded up a few of my favourite affordable artworks that I’ve spotted online in recent weeks. From antique botanical prints and retro film posters to one-of-a-kind screen prints and pressed flower designs, scroll down to see 23 budget-friendly artworks to spark your interiors imagination in 2021.
Publié le : 26/11/2021 – 08:35Modifié le : 26/11/2021 – 12:18 Les chrétiens du Soudan, qui représentent 3 à 5 % de la population, étaient discriminés sous la dictature d’Omar el-Béchir. Avec la révolution de 2019 et la chute de l’ancien président, leur situation s’est améliorée. Mais après le coup d’État survenu il y a […]
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