A closer look at the goodies within. Metroid Dread looks to be the return to the series’ 2D roots that fans have been waiting for for nigh on two decades. Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS was excellent, but as a remake of Metroid II on Game Boy, it was a known quantity — this is […]
The Doomsday Clock shows 100 seconds to midnight on January 20, 2022. | Courtesy of Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists The number of human-made existential risks has ballooned, but the most pressing one is the original: nuclear war. One hundred seconds to midnight. That’s the latest setting of the Doomsday Clock, unveiled yesterday morning by […]
Die hochansteckende Omikron-Variante breitet sich in Deutschland aus. Womit müssen wir rechnen? Ein Experte warnt vor Rekord-Inzidenzen und fordert mehr Kontaktbeschränkungen. Die Zahl der Omikron-Fälle hat sich bundesweit binnen eines Tages um 21 Prozent auf 51.472 erhöht. Was bedeutet das für die