4 Very Specific Colours Trending at Zara, H&M, and Mango
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I know there are plenty of people who are staunchly loyal to wearing black, but I don’t happen to be one of them. I’ve found that colour is a great way to try out trends because you can choose classic, tried-and-true silhouettes in fun hues. In other words, you can feel like you’re having fun with fashion without the risk of investing in any flash-in-the-pan trends.
To that end, I recently tapped a Pantone colour expert to offer her take on the most soothing colours to wear right now. This time around, I sought out a different kind of expert: our readers’ favourite retailers. I scanned through Zara, H&M, and Mango to see the common themes among them. The result: I found four specific colours that popped up time and time again. Scroll down to shop the stylish shades.
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