This Is Set to Be 2021’s Easiest Trend—and You Probably Already Own It
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“Easy to wear” is probably one of the most irritating phrases in the whole of fashion (and let’s be honest, there are a lot to get annoyed by). What, exactly, does it mean? Surely all clothes should be easy to wear? That’s the whole damn point of them. As much as it pains me to give these three words justification, here’s how I interpret them: Easy-to-wear clothing is the sort of stuff you don’t have to spend much time thinking about. It’s a wardrobe staple that you’d happily wear whether you’re 15 or 85. There’s little faffing involved.
Well, prepare to hear the words with more frequency come spring and summer 2021, as that’s exactly what this season is all about. While I love being amazed by innovative and fresh takes on fashion, on the whole, there are no huge surprises in store for us. So what can you expect? One of the biggest trends that plenty of buyers and high-street brands have invested in is the simple blue Oxford shirt. The classic item was first spotted on the runway of minimalist brand par excellence The Row this time last year and has since been cropping up in every corner of the fashion world.
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