These Calming Colours Are Already Trending for Spring
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Are we only two weeks into 2021? It’s already been quite a lot, hasn’t it? There’s nothing like a global pandemic paired with the bleakness of January to really make you want to lie down in bed and watch reruns of New Girl. Comfort and being comforted have never been more popular. Sales of beauty products, homewares, and pyjamas have increased dramatically over the past year, and according to Lyst, Nike’s jogging bottoms and Birkenstock‘s Arizona sandals have been two of the most popular products worldwide, both of which fall under the comfortable-clothing category. While we saw the impact of the pandemic on our shopping habits in 2020, this year, we’re seeing fashion collections pivoting towards more comfortable and soothing pieces in the form of knitted dresses, co-ords, and plenty of tracksuits. This idea is also extended into colour, with an increase in pastel hues across the board—from high-street stores to designers.
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