What to Wear in January When You’re Completely Bored of Your Wardrobe
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Deciding what to wear in January can be a tricky one. It’s still freezing so you need to stay warm and cosy, but it’s also a fresh start. We’ve all likely made a resolution of some kind and have our eyes firmly fixed on moving forward, so it’s understandable if stepping back into 2020’s largely loungewear wardrobe feels a little, well, stale.
Luckily, there’s a solution—and it’s not throwing everything away! Naturally, a little wardrobe detox is a great idea at this time of year, but budgets are also tight post-Christmas. So before you swear off certain items, consider the pieces you may be able to use as a gateway to the new season.
We’re talking teasers of a fresh colour palette, lots of layers, some chic suiting, and plenty of stripes. The key look for the coming season have already made themselves known, so here’s your guide to easing your wardrobe into 2021 while staying warm.
Keep scrolling for all the street style inspiration you need to inspire your January wardrobe, whatever you have planned for the month ahead.
This post was originally published at an earlier time and has since been updated.
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