The game turns one later this week! In just a few days’ time, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is turning one year old. We couldn’t ever have imagined the success the title would go on to have, yet here we are talking about arguably the most important game of 2020. What a ride it’s been so […]
Events and two new buddies on the way. Monster Hunter Rise is still rolling out regular new quests and goodies, while in the Summer the major Sunbreak expansion is due to arrive. Capcom has now confirmed the arrival of version 3.7, which has lined up freebies and Event Quests for the next two weeks. Read […]
In den USA sorgt zurzeit eine HBO-Doku über die Kindesmissbrauchsvorwürfe gegen Woody Allen für Aufsehen. Nun haben sich der Regisseur und seine Ehefrau Soon-Yi Previn zu der Produktion geäußert.