Games World

In 2020, Just Dance Was As Popular As Watch Dogs And Mario Kart 8 Sold More Than In 2019

Sales statistics show surprising successes.

Numbers are delicious. We’re big fans of crunching all that tasty statistical cereal and spitting out interesting fact-nuggets. Remember when we took a look at’s “Year In Numbers”, and found out that Nintendo Switch owners were the most likely to own another console? Well, we’re back with another fun discovery, courtesy of’s editor, Christopher Dring.

Turns out that there are two things people want to do during the pandemic: drive, and dance. Since we can’t do much of those in real life, we’re all turning to video games. Just Dance 2021 has apparently sold almost as many copies as Watch Dogs Legion, which is a surprising (and maybe disappointing?) turnout for the London-based hacking game.

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