8 Items Every London Girl Has in Her Winter Wardrobe
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Getting dressed during winter might seem difficult when you compare it to the easy cotton-dress–and-sandal styling of summer, but there’s no need to be daunted by it. While your ensembles will require a little more thought (owning to the fact you need to make being warm a priority), it’s incredibly easy to look chic and remain cosy when you have a well-curated capsule to fall back on. That’s where we come in.
We looked to London, the British fashion epicentre, to see exactly what the capital’s best-dressed residents are sporting this winter. From the coat that’s usually found in the countryside to the boot trend that makes every outfit look instantly more expensive, keep scrolling to shop the winter fashion trends that have taken London by storm.
This post was originally published at an earlier time and has since been updated.
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