These Fashion Brands Were 2020’s Biggest Success Stories
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As 2020 draws to a close, there is much to reflect upon. In what has been the most unpredictable—and dare I say “unprecedented” year—the last 12 months did not play out in a way any of us expected. And although there have been many challenges along the way, this year has also created a few very worthy success stories, particularly when it comes to the fashion industry.
From an increased focus on sustainable fashion to a heightened emphasis on supporting local independent labels, 2020 has certainly changed the way we perceive and purchase fashion. And of course, as in any year, our friends at Lyst have managed to collate all the analytics around exactly which brands people were investing in (and searching for) this year.
Having released their much-anticipated Year in Fashion report, Lyst has presented us with all the data to understand the brands that thrived in 2020, whether it be through a singular trending product or just general search increases. Yes, this year has been tough, but here at Who What Wear, we like to look for the silver lining, so without further ado, keep scrolling for a few of 2020’s biggest fashion success stories.
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