These 5 Brands Make the Most Joyful Clothes Out There
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Designers faced huge challenges when designing their spring summer 2021 collections—not only because of logistical and practical barriers, but also because they were creating clothes for a year that has many question marks over it. One common theme across all the collections was joyful, fabulous clothes designed to make you, and others, smile.
“We have may found ourselves dressing to look good, but now we dress to feel good. Our buy will adapt to this by embracing a casual shift without losing speciality,” says Liane Wiggins, Head of Womenswear Buying at MATCHESFASHION. “We have seen our customers engage more and more with joyful fashion and uplifting pieces. There is definitely an appetite from our community to dress up again. It has been incredible to see the creativity and innovative ideas shine through these very difficult times. We loved the sense of joy and optimism, everyday pieces from jeans to sleepwear have been uplifted by designers experimenting with bold colours and prints.”
This sense of optimism was reflected in the use of print and colour across the spring collections, with feel-good prints, bright pinks and oranges and OTT beautiful dresses. There are five designers in particular that really stand out for creating the happiest clothes you can imagine—keep scrolling to see the mood-boosting brands we love.
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