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I used to be a jazzy-skirt-and-plain-top girl, then life on Zoom/Google Hangout/Microsoft Teams (delete as appropriate) became the norm and I realised that all of my fancy skirts and interesting trousers were, essentially, redundant. And so the roles in my wardrobe have needed to be reversed, with tops become the centre piece and my bottom half being left to luxuriate in joggers, leggings et al. Our outfits therefore come to life from the waist up, and as such designers have become more and more focused on necklines, sleeves and intricate details to make blouses, jumpers, tanks, shirts and tees become more exciting. We’ve seen a renaissance for “nice tops” to wear with jeans and more sweater trends than I could possibly shake a bamboo knitting needle at. Trending tops have jettisoned with greater speed and force than seasons before, when they would have been fighting for the limelight against such other sought-after items like heels (remember them?), with Khaite’s sweetheart neckline jumper, Ganni’s jumbo collar blouses and even H&M’s sold-out knitted vest becoming firm favourites amongst the fashion set.
Le Brésil est en passe de récolter des quantités record de soja, de maïs et autres céréales grâce à l’augmentation de ses surfaces de culture et à l’explosion de la demande, notamment de la Chine. Le premier producteur mondial de soja et troisième producteur mondial de maïs a connu un démarrage lent en raison de […]
Wegen Russlands Truppenstationierungen an der Grenze zur Ukraine ist das Verhältnis zur Nato extrem angespannt. Nun hat Moskau neue Marineübungen bekannt gegeben.