You feeling lucky, punk?
Terry Cavanaugh is known for making some tough games. If you’ve played the likes of VVVVVV or Super Hexagon, you’re no doubt familiar with his unique brand of simplistic and punishing game design. That design is on full display, albeit in a completely new form, with his latest project, Dicey Dungeons. Here, instead of your reflexes, your strategic skills are put to the test as you have to get a bunch of living dice through some punishing gauntlets of chance-based hell. It’s cute, it’s infuriating, and it’s dangerously enjoyable.
Dicey Dungeons takes place in a bizarre game show run by the embodiment of fate herself, Lady Luck. Each of the six contestants has come to the game show in pursuit of their greatest desire, which could supposedly become theirs if only they can ‘win’. The catch is that participation in the game show requires each participant to be turned into a playing die and to battle their way through a series of treacherous, shifting dungeons that are ruled by chance. And, in the off chance that they actually make it to the end of an episode, there’s always another episode they have yet to endure before they totally win.
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