Fashion Buyers Are Genuinely Excited About These 2021 Trends
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Thanks to my power-hungry nature (a true Capricorn to the end) I’d love to say that fashion editors are the most powerful people in the industry. But that’s very much not the case. There is a group of people that has a bigger influence over how we shop: Fashion buyers. Those who specialise in this role, especially for luxury retailers, spend a lot of time behind the scenes working out just what the public want to spend their money on. They have impeccable taste and understand just what it is about a certain designer, collection, It bag or pair of shoes that will make shoppers part with their cash. It means then that I always want to know what buyers are after when shopping the new season as it’s a good indication of what is likely to be incredibly popular in a couple of months’ time.
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Das Musterverfahren gegen die VW-Dachgesellschaft Porsche SE (PSE) geht am Dienstag (10.00 Uhr) vor dem Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart in die nächste Runde. Bei der Verhandlung in Leinfelden-Echterdingen geht es im Kern um die Frage, ob die Holding ihre Aktionäre zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt über das Au