Short Curly Hairstyles That Will Make You Rethink Your Long Hair
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In case you didn’t get the memo, when it comes to the latest hair trends, the shorter the cut the better. Lobs, bobs, and blunt cuts are seeing a lot of love lately — and it has seen many fashion influencers reaching for the scissors (or, you know, booking a hair appointment). For curly hair, the short-cut trend brings a lot of potential when it comes to revamping your style.
A shorter length, cut above the chin, can give curly textures a lot of extra body and volume. The cut can be carefree and, if you fancy, give off “sexy bed head” but, as most curly-haired folks know, it can take some work to make your curls do as they’re told. Can short curly hair be low maintenance?
It doesn’t matter your curl pattern, density or face shape, whether loose waves or tight coils, short curly hair can work on everyone — but with a little effort.
“A style that is short and curly is easy to style and manage, but it is one that requires maintenance,” says Daniele de Angelis, International Artistic Director of Toni Guy.
The London Hairdresser of the Year 2020 explains how the short, curly cut can be achieved.
“You should be sure to make regular visits to your hairdresser, especially if the length is above jaw level in order to keep its shape,” she explained to WhoWhatWear.
“A short hairstyle can absolutely suit multiple curl textures,” she adds, “but your stylist must adopt the correct cutting technique for the required texture.”
“For example, tight curls shrink a lot so you need to be careful when deciding how much you want them to take off. Curls are also heavy, so weigh the shape down. If you’ve got a longer length you may find the top of your hair becomes flat and wide and form a triangular shape like a Christmas tree! Layers will help solve this and add bounce back into your hair. “
For inspo, we’ve listed women who have completely inspired our next hair appointment.
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