From Plaits to Grown-Out Roots, We Look Back at Margot Robbie’s Hairstyles
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From Suicide Squad to Wolf of Wall Street,Margot Robbie is considered a chameleon actor in Hollywood. Off-screen, it’s hard to ignore that the Australian beauty has also nailed her makeup and hair looks over the years, providing some serious hair-inspiration. From plaits to grown-out roots, Margot Robbie’s blonde tresses are a constant feature on our hair mood boards (There was even the lesser documented brunette stint, but she’s been blonde ever-since.)
Of course, Margot can’t get all the credit for her stunning hair moments. Her talented glam team, including Chanel makeup artist Pati Dubroff and hairstylist Bryce Scarlett, has created a series of memorable moments for red carpets to press events. Some of the hairstyles seem low-maintenance for us to try at home. Here are some of our favourites.
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