Games World

Doom Eternal Gets Even More Eternal With Massive 2021 Updates

But will that include DLC?

We don’t imagine it’s easy to be making games from home offices during the pandemic, but id Software’s certainly making a good go of it. In a Twitter post on Tuesday, 16th December, the DOOM Eternal creators spoke of their 2021 plans, including The Ancient Gods – Part Two, the second part of the DLC which is not yet out on Switch.

However, the same tweet also promises “Switch campaign expansions” as well as “other general additions and improvements”, so there’s still stuff for us Nintendo kids. Given that they’re also working on next-gen support, the invasion mode, and additions to the asymmetric multiplayer BATTLEMODE, it’s hard to know exactly when the DLC will arrive on Switch. That’s a lot of stuff for one team to handle!

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