Out Of 524 Items in the COS Sale, I Think These 19 Are the Absolute Best
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Let’s cut to the chase here: the COS sale has just dropped and there are so many good pieces from the brand’s winter collection. With its modern take on minimalism, COS has been one of 2020’s high street success stories, and so naturally there is a long list of items that we’ve added to our mental shopping list over the last few months. And what do you know? Loads of them are now at 50% off. Happy Christmas indeed.
COS has always been our go-to for substantial knitwear, crisp tailoring and timeless outwear, and this season is no different. The epic sale includes all sort of winter gems, such as a cream chunky cardi that will keep you warm when WFH, or a cotton navy kimono which can be worn alone or layered over colour-match roll necks. There’s also a generous dose of accessories, including shoes, bags and underwear, but they’re disappearing fast. So if you’re planning on shopping the COS sale this December, feel free to use our readymade edit of the best bits. Scroll down to see what we found.
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