Games World

Explore The Amazon Rainforest In Tunche, Coming To Switch In March 2021

With Hat in Time’s protagonist in tow!

Tunche’s hand-drawn animated art was one of the highlights of the Indie World Showcase, drawing inspiration from Latin-American mythology in its Amazonian setting. Peruvian developers LEAP have been hard at work on this beat-em-up roguelike for a while now, with fantastically-detailed developer blogs that provide a fair bit of insight into the game (which we highly recommend you check out if you’re already interested).

It’s always thrilling to see an under-represented culture on such a huge platform, and Tunche doesn’t look like it’s going to disappoint – it even features the mythical Amazonian pink dolphin as an enemy (a myth that’s a little bit too rude for us to go into detail about here).

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