I love Christmas. There, I said it. I really, really love Christmas. And it’s not because of the presents, or the tree or the incessant carols that play on repeat in every single department store throughout the whole month of December. I love Christmas because it is one of the few times a year that my entire family gets to spend the day together.
There’s something particularly wholesome about the traditions a family develops over the years throughout Christmas time. Those unspoken rules that everyone abides by simply because they have done so in years past. In my family, we have two unchanging Christmas traditions. The first is that we always, always watch Love Actually on Christmas Eve (and generally break out into song when All I Want For Christmas plays during the school recital scene) and the second is that everyone wears a touch of red on Christmas day.
Next, the party pyjamas we love.
This story was published at an earlier time and has since been updated.