I Bought This Trending & Other Stories Jacket and Never Looked Back
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Trends come and go, but to me a successful purchase is one that you love when you wear it years later and that goes with almost every one of your outfits. By this criteria, the best item I own is probably a camel wool blazer by & Other Stories which is single-breasted and has a boxy oversized fit, with defined shoulders. The trend for tailored blazers with big ’80-style shoulders started in spring summer 2017 thanks to the likes of Balenciaga and Céline, and has continued to be a fixture in recent collections.
This was a birthday present three years ago, but it is one of & Other Stories’ staple items that they recreate every season, with only slight tweaks to the buttons and shade. This is consistently in the ‘most popular items’ section on the site—and I’m not surprised that three years later it remains a best seller. My favourite way to wear the blazer is with loafers and straight-leg jeans, however I find that it goes with almost every outfit and is just as versatile as a black or navy blazer. The oversized silhouette also means it doesn’t look overly formal, and so is my favourite jacket to wear with leggings and jeans.
Keep scrolling to see the blazer, and six ways I’ve styled it recently.
Style Notes: This is an outfit I stole after seeing the influencer Bubbly Aquarius wear it. The smart boxy blazer makes the Kitri PJ set look less like pyjamas, and the perfect outfit for any low-key December plans. At this point, I’m all for dressing up in feathers and leopard print even if it’s just for a night at Pizza Express.
Style Notes: I always love how camel looks with bright colours, and the blazer really makes this green sequin skirt look even more like a Quality Street green triangle wrapper.
Style Notes: The one thing I’ve been wearing the most recently to work from home is this maxi knitted dress paired with slippers, and I love how the blazer and knee-high boots make it feel smarter.
Style Notes: My favourite colour to wear with this camel blazer is bright pink, and here I pair the jacket with an old Frankie Shop shirt and some indigo flared jeans.
Style Notes: Like most people, leggings have become my second skin in 2020 and this is an outfit I wear for my lunchtime walks—hiking boots, a chunky zip-up knit, leggings, and a blazer thrown on top to give the illusion that I’ve got dressed in more than five minutes.
Style Notes: I’m well aware that this looks like I’ve been dared to wear as many layers as I can physically fit on my body—but for al fresco dining in December layering is a serious operation. I have been wearing my blazer underneath my Arket down coat, so I can just wear the blazer and scarf sans puffer while dining under the heaters.
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