Arket Has Just Aced Winter Dressing With These 5 Timeless Staples
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When the mercury drops below 10 degrees, you know that winter has arrived, and also that it’s time to get your cold weather staples in order. When layering is the name of the game, every item you throw on has to be hard-working and prove its worth in your wardrobe—when it comes to British wintertime there’s no time for sartorial time-wasters. All we can say is thank god for high street heroes like Arket who know what they’re talking about when it comes to staying warm in style.
You really can’t get much better than Arket for clean-lined basics that are both timeless yet still manage to look cool, and there are 5 categories in particular that we’re championing this year. They are all winter gems that we’re certain will become go-tos over the coming months. We’re talking about Arket’s sellout puffer (named as one of Lyst’s hottest items of 2019, no biggie), chunky boots that will withstand the elements, and versatile, cosy knitwear that you’ll love for many years to come. Case in point: I have one red crew neck jumper from Arket that I bought on the first weekend the store opened in Regent Street, and I’ve worn it every year since and it still looks brand new, which is no mean feat for its price. So, if you want to get in on the Arket action, scroll down to see and shop my favourite winter staples.
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