I’ve Finally Organised My Beauty Cupboard — Here Are 19 Products I Swear By
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I’ve spent a good portion of my career testing cult beauty products and there have been lots of hits (and a few significant misses) over the years. I love it, and it has given me access to products that quite literally do what they say on the tin. However, it has meant that I’ve never been a loyal customer and I’m always on the hunt for the next miracle product. Recently, I made the decision to scale back and fine-tune my skincare and makeup purchases. Ask my friends, it has led to me becoming a far more put-together person with a little more money in my pocket. What’s more, my beauty cabinet is no longer close to breaking point.
From failsafe skincare to signature scents, I’ve found some products that seem have stood the test of time in my life.
While I’m certain this list will change as more exciting products are released, here are some of the products I swear by.
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Die Flutkatastrophe hat ganze Ortschaften verwüstet. Immobilienexperte Sven Bienert fürchtet, dass sich solche Extremwetterereignisse häufen könnten – mit fatalen Folgen für den hiesigen Immobilienmarkt.