I Can’t and Won’t Stop Buying Vases—Here Are My Favourites
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It used to be shoes but now my shopping weakness is vases. Has Covid-era claustrophobia just morphed into a kind extreme nesting where only ceramics can comfort me? Am I now—gasp—old? Or do I just simply have enough shoes and need to move onto something with almost no limit on what’s an appropriate amount to own? It may well be a combination of the three, in addition to the fact that my footwear requirements have really been filtered down to comfy, comfier and comfiest: Flat boots, trainers and slippers are all in constant rotation. But either way, the vase obsession is real; I’m constantly repinning all sorts of pieces and I really don’t discriminate. Vintage, sculptural, minimalist, kitsch, and artsy styles are all littering my (private, sorry) Future Home board on Pinterest. In tandem I have therefore collated a vase shopping list long enough to warrant opening a dedicated ceramics museum should I ever buy them all—the ticket sales would come in handy for further additions to the collection.
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