I Can’t and Won’t Stop Buying Vases—Here Are My Favourites
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It used to be shoes but now my shopping weakness is vases. Has Covid-era claustrophobia just morphed into a kind extreme nesting where only ceramics can comfort me? Am I now—gasp—old? Or do I just simply have enough shoes and need to move onto something with almost no limit on what’s an appropriate amount to own? It may well be a combination of the three, in addition to the fact that my footwear requirements have really been filtered down to comfy, comfier and comfiest: Flat boots, trainers and slippers are all in constant rotation. But either way, the vase obsession is real; I’m constantly repinning all sorts of pieces and I really don’t discriminate. Vintage, sculptural, minimalist, kitsch, and artsy styles are all littering my (private, sorry) Future Home board on Pinterest. In tandem I have therefore collated a vase shopping list long enough to warrant opening a dedicated ceramics museum should I ever buy them all—the ticket sales would come in handy for further additions to the collection.
Introducing “The Legend of Zelda: Winds of Time”. If you love The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and the Nintendo 64 classic, Ocarina of Time, then you absolutely have to take a look at the mod in the video above. Zelda fan and modder BigSharkZ has assembled a video showing off a similar but […]
Skandale, starre Regeln, Gläubige wenden sich ab – was muss sich in der Katholischen Kirche ändern? Außerdem: der Kurs der Extra-Konservativen bei der CDU. Und rebellische Ostdeutsche. Das ist die Lage am Samstag.
Kiew (dpa) – Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj sieht noch keine konkreten Ergebnisse der Gespräche mit Russland über ein mögliches Ende des Kriegs. Den schönen Worten aus Moskau sei nicht zu trauen, sagte Selenskyj in der Nacht zum Donnerstag. Die Ukraine meldete auch weitere russische A