6 Women Over 40 Reveal the Foundations They Swear by for Flawless Skin
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Finding a great foundation that tackles every single one of your skin’s needs is no mean feat. In fact, many spend years on the hunt for the perfect formula. And the worst part is that sometimes, even when you have spent many moons testing and trialling different products, you might finally find the one, only for your skin to change its mind on it after a few months. Sadly, such makeup dramas are never more prominent than when we are dealing with skin ageing.
As we get older, the stuff that our skin naturally produces to keep it looking plump, hydrated and radiant starts to diminish – and these signs commonly start to show once we hit our 40s. With decreased collagen and hyaluronic acid production, even those that spent the first few decades of their life with a flawless, dewy complexion are likely to start experiencing increased dryness and loss of elasticity. And while we’re all about embracing your skin at every age, we also appreciate that this constant changing of needs can make shopping for the perfect base incredibly tricky.
While beauty brands are quick to make a pretty penny off full-coverage, thick foundations targeted at a TikTok generation, truly great formulas that are natural-looking and subtle are harder to come by. So, in a bid to find the perfect makeup products, we reached out to six of the most fresh-faced women that we know over 40 and asked them to spill their secrets on what foundations make for the perfect base.
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