“Second-Skin” Tops Are Trending, and These 20 Are the Coolest
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I have yet to meet a bold and practical trend I didn’t like, and “second-skin” tops are no exception. “Second-skin” tops are essentially any top that grazes so close to your body, it might as well be a second layer of skin. While that might sound rather repulsive, the tops themselves are so stunning, you’ll forget all about the trend name. This trend has been bubbling for a while now with brands like Ganni and Marine Serre leading the pack for quite a while, but quite recently we learned the trend will be a big deal again come spring 2021 so naturally, we had to come to you and spill the tea.
If you ask me, “second-skin” tops are pure magic. They are relevant across every season, are easy to wear, layer, and style, and come in so many variations and price points meaning there is one for every style type out there. Ahead, I have gathered images of some of my favourite fashion girls donning the trend as of late, in addition to the best “second-skin” tops I could find on the market. Not to scare you or anything, but you’re about to leave this story with carts so full, you won’t know what to do with them, so good luck!
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