& Other Stories Just Collaborated With My Fave Scandi Brand
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& Other Stories is one of my favourite high street brands at the best of times, thanks to its unwavering ability to deliver chic and expensive-looking staples season after season. Unsurprisingly I lost it a little bit when I found out that the brand was collaborating with one of the coolest up-and-coming Scandi brands around: Brøgger.
Founded by Danish designer Julie Brøgger, I have long coveted the label’s block-coloured suiting and statement-making dresses, but it has always been slightly out of my price range. Luckily, the & Other Stories collection perfectly captured Brøgger’s laid-back-yet-high-impact Scandi aesthetic with a selection of separates coming in primary colours, ditzy floral and cool checks.
At the top of my list has to be the colour-clashing double-breasted blazer, aka one of the brand’s signature styles, which will be a dream when worn with straight leg jeans and loafers. The Mulberry silk midi dress also deserves a mention with its ’80s-inspired silhouette and stylish 50/50 floral print. Wear now with chunky flat boots then swap out for Birkenstocks in the summer. Have I got you convinced yet? Well, scroll down to shop the collection and see for yourself. These affordable gems won’t stick around for long.
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