Tanya Burr On the Throw-On Outfits She’s Been Living In Recently
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Tanya Burr started her career in beauty, with her video tutorials and product reviews, but increasingly over the past few years she has been gaining a following for her style and outfit ideas too. Having worked with the likes of Dior, she has a strong tie with luxury fashion brands, and has been a firm fixture at fashion events like the British Fashion Awards, however personally I find her every-day outfit ideas just as inspiring.
When it comes to her casual outfits, Tanya sticks to a capsule of basics which can be easily mixed and matched. The building blocks of her outfits are always her denim (she tends to wear high-waisted straight leg jeans) and her trainers, and then she tends to switch things up with her outerwear. This year she has been rotating between her Arket leather blazer, khaki bomber, black puffer coat and collection of tailored long-line coats. She tends to lean towards classic basics, mixing designer pieces by the likes of Prada and Rag and Bone, with high-street staples from Mango and Arket. Keep scrolling to see the throw-on basics Tanya has been living in this autumn.
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