The best way to determine the greatest teams in any sport is to look at the standings, right? If they’ve been playing well, they’ll be near the top of the league. As Bill Parcells said, “You are what your record says you are. ” Read more…
At the time of writing, there are now three lawsuits against Deshaun Watson from women who say they were assaulted by the (currently) Houston quarterback. All of them have been met, mostly, with claims of tenuous connections between the lawyer representing the women, Tony Buzbee, and some billboards he put up once and… Read more…
AEW and TNT have always said they are in this for the long haul. But if you’d told them until they began their own weekly cable series a year ago {} need to hit pause the advertising just half a year, they may have hedged their bets somewhat. However, with some key places, a pretty […]