Games World

Review: Sniper Elite 4 – The Nazi-Slaying Series’ Best Entry Comes To Switch

Moisten Nagant.

Rebellion’s Sniper Elite 4 was released to some high praise back in February of 2017, and is widely regarded as the best entry in the long-running series to date; it’s a fun and flexible sniper’s paradise with ten lengthy campaign missions set across the largest, most varied and vertical levels that crack Nazi skull-exploder Karl Fairburne has ever had to contend with. There’s plenty for ace-assassins to chew on in this one, with a hefty fifteen-hour story that’s fully playable in both solo or co-op and a variety of multiplayer modes, all of which arrives here on Switch in fine form. This is a port that is easily equal to its predecessor with nary a bug or framerate drop in sight, leaving you free and unfettered to get right down to the very important business of slo-mo smashing fascist’s jaws through their lungs in glorious X-Ray vision.

Sniper Elite 4 picks up in the immediate aftermath of the events of the third game in the series, with gruff central protagonist Fairburne landing in Italy to investigate a mysterious Nazi weapon. No sooner have Karl’s leaden boots landed on the soft sand of San Celini than a plot involving desperate resistance groups, giant railguns, the Sicilian Mafia, backstabbing, double-crossing and enormous Nazi facilities begins to unfurl. This is easily the biggest Sniper Elite to date, with impressively large levels in which to get down to the rather worryingly addictive business of making an absolute mess out of your fascist foes.

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