23 of the Best Candles to Make Your Home Feel So Much Cosier
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As the days become shorter and the temperatures drop, we find ourselves looking for new ways to cosify our homes, and nothing can bestow your rooms with a hygge appeal quite like scented candles.
Let’s be honest: If there was ever a time for bringing a little extra zen into our households, it’s probably now as we prepare to hunker down in more ways than one. Needless to say, it’s challenging to separate your work and home spaces or switch off your mind when you need to, something that is made all the more difficult with the dark nights. But something simple like lighting your favourite candle can be an easy way to change the vibe of a room and get you to that happy place. We all have our little routines, whether it’s having a daily bubble bath or doing an at-home yoga session. And after you’ve switched off your laptop or TV after a long day, lighting a candle goes a long way in accessing that much-needed self-care moment.
We thought, then, that we’d round up the best-smelling, calm-inducing candles out there. Some are cult fragrances that will make you feel like you’re in your favourite spa immediately (hello, Diptyque Baies), and some are our insider favourites that smell way more expensive than their high-street price tags. Keep scrolling to shop…
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