Designer Face Masks Are Now a Thing Thanks to Burberry and Marni
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This year, all outfits have one thing in common, a face mask, as we now can’t leave the house without them. This is an important item for practical purposes. However, now that numerous designers and brands have created non-medical, reusable face coverings, people are starting to play with vibrant prints and coordinate them with their outfits.
Independent brands and high-street retailers have been selling masks for several months now, but many major luxury fashion houses, such as Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Dior, have steered clear of creating face masks for commercial purposes. Earlier this year Burberry launched two fabric face masks in its heritage vintage check. They come with a luxury price tag at £90, but 20% of each mask will be donated to the Burberry Foundation COVID-19 Community Fund.
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