Our Complete Guide to the Best Christmas Gifts for Women, Whatever Your Budget
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Although some may feel like it’s too early to start thinking about Christmas shopping, we feel it’s only right to remind you that, for many, there’s potentially only one more payday between now and December 25. So it makes sense to start thinking about it now—not only to spare you the stress that comes with leaving it to the last minute but also to ensure that your money goes as far as you need it to over the next couple of months. That’s where we come in.
We donned our (chic) elf outfits, and in an attempt to make this endeavour easier on your part, we’ve assembled the very best Christmas gifts for her in one place, all of which we’ve neatly categorised by budget. For the women in your life—who can often be tricky to shop for—we’ve found a proverbial treasure trove of gifts, each one guaranteed to spark a squeal of sheer delight when the wrapping gets torn off.
With everything from gorgeous designer bags to 2020’s most sought-after beauty buys and a helping of stylish trinkets for the home, a gift is meant to be something special you wouldn’t normally buy for yourself. And our editor-curated list ensures that, regardless of your means (these are tough times, after all), the recipient is going to be overjoyed when they open your perfectly chosen gift. Of course, should you find something for yourself in the process, all the better.
Keep scrolling to shop our edit of the best Christmas gifts for women and to start making the most of this wonderful time of the year.
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