It’s Official—These Are the Most Coveted Fragrances Right Now
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Finding a scent you’re obsessed with can feel as if you’re searching for the Holy Grail. There are a lot of theories and opinions out there, but unearthing the one set to become your signature? It’s a process that takes dedication and, sometimes, a bit of an investment.
This is altogether more difficult when you consider the sheer number of fragrance options out there. Of course, it all comes down to personal preference, but who has the patience and the downtime to spritz your way through them all (especially with today’s restrictions)? Luckily for you, we’ve begun investigating which perfumes are the most searched for right now, all in an attempt to help you narrow your search.
Utilising Google analytical insights, new research from Fragrance Direct has helped us to decipher, out of 10,000 perfumes and colognes, which are the most sought after. Harnessing data from the last 12 months, we we’re able to identify the top 10 scents in the UK—some of which may come as a surprise, even to the most informed in the olfactory ways.
So whether you’re looking to invest in a new scent for yourself or are looking for a Christmas gift that’s practically foolproof, scroll below to discover, in order, the most searched for fragrances in the UK over the last year.
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