I’m a Beauty Editor, and This Is the One Skincare Product I Never Splurge On
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But is it actually worth the money? This is the question that I am most frequently asked as a beauty editor. The answer, I’m afraid, is more often than not a complex one. You see, while some makeup products and topical skin treatments are priced with downright obscene markups, other products might totally justify a three-figure price tag. The truth is though, each case is totally different, depending on the formulation. The example I regularly give is antioxidant serums. While a £10 vitamin C serum might sound enticing, it is a notoriously unstable ingredient, making it difficult to formulate with. A really great vitamin C serum will have required extensive (and expensive) research, so spending extra is likely to wield more impressive results.
However, there is one caveat to this rule. While serums and moisturisers that sit on your skin all day long often require a bit of research and a spending commitment, products that are designed to be rinsed straight off needn’t be expensive. You see, after many years of picking the brains of some of dermatology’s most notable experts, as well as testing and trialling every new beauty product that has come my way, I have learned that, when it comes to cleansers, great expense is totally unnecessary.
First of all, any ingredient costly enough to drive up the price of a cleanser really isn’t on your skin long enough to make a long-term difference. The ingredients commonly found in truly great cleansing formulas shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. Secondly, when it comes to cleansers, simplicity is key. While super-rich, sumptuous balms that smell like spas might feel great, many dermatologists argue that the fragrant, but very costly, oils used in such products could actually cause skin more harm than good. It’s fair to say, therefore, that not only are affordable cleansers just as good as more expensive options, but many of them are also considered better.
So while I love a luxury cleanser just as much as the next person, the truth is, when it comes to deciding what to spend my hard-earned cash on, I’d always opt for an affordable cleanser over a high-end one. In fact, the majority of my favourite cleansers out there cost less than £15. And I’m not alone. Amongst skin experts, some of the most highly recommended cleansers by dermatologists can be picked up in your local supermarket or pharmacy. Not sure where to start shopping? Keep scrolling for the affordable cleansers that your skin will really thank you for.
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