13 Topshop Blouses That Were Made to Be Worn With Jeans
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Thanks to Zoom, the humble blouse has been awarded top priority status within the wardrobe ranks this year. When all you can see of your outfit is your head and torso, you can happily wear your oldest faded trackies on your bottom half, but when it comes to your top half, you need to bring your A-game. Collars, prints, ruffles, puff sleeves—just throw everything at it.
We’ve been keeping our eyes peeled for the best blouses on the high street this season, and we can confirm that Topshop’s offering is very much on-point. These are tops that will work with both weekend denim and combat boots, as well as polished separates for Friday night (sofa) drinks. Almost all come with a statement collar (clearly the detail to note this autumn), but aside from this, each one packs its own personality. From paisley print and colour-pop pink to winter florals and pussy-bow necklines, scroll down to see and shop our favourite Topshop tops for the season ahead.
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