I Think I’ve Found the Perfect Shampoo for Every Hair Type
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“Hair is everything. We wish it wasn’t so we could actually think about something else occasionally, but it is. It’s the difference between a good day and a bad day.” Truer words were never spoken than in Fleabag’s speech to maligned hairdresser Anthony.
But how do you avoid that bad hair day? As someone who’s been blessed (and sometimes cursed) with curly hair, I have a theory that you need to start with the basics, and by that I mean a great shampoo.
I’ve tried quite a few over the years, especially as I’ve also had varying degrees of dyed hair too, so I know that there are certain ones that I personally recommend. For any hair types that I can’t comment on, I’ve gone to the experts. Below, you’re bound to find a shampoo that suits you. Keep scrolling for more.
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