
Physics Puzzler Mørkredd Coming Soon into Xbox Game Pass


  • Mørkredd is coming exclusively on Xbox Collection X and Xbox Game Pass this December.

  • Mørkredd started in a match jam and can be greatly motivated by Nordic civilization.
  • Mørkredd is the first name on Xbox in Hyper Games.

We are excited to announce this Mørkredd, an advanced co-op puzzler, is coming exclusively on Xbox collection X and Xbox Game Pass this December. Mørkredd is the word for fear of the dark, and you are going to need to use shadow and light to fix puzzles in a darkened world motivated by long winters and literary tradition.

Let us go behind the scenes to get a distinctive look into the way Mørkredd arrived into life. 

Each year that the Norwegian Film Institute hosts the exact official unofficial Norwegian Gameplay Championship, a match jam using a given motif that normally runs for around a week. In 2017the subject has been “fear” Team Hyper Games wished to research dread of the dark. Initially the thought was roughly traversing a dungeon using torches, but we began playing with the concept of a shared lighting supply that everybody required to remain near. The concept of getting characters instantly perish whenever they entered a darkness very intrigued usand also we wanted to determine if we can create that function in a mystery game.

Following a week of match showcasing we’d the very first model of Mørkredd. We grew to adore the idea so much that we desired to turn it into a complete game.

This is the very original concept sketch for Mørkredd, created the very first day of this match jam at January 2017:


Normally it’s not that the shadow itself which disturbs us{} can be concealed there. Without having the ability to really see anything that our mind can drift free and conjure some genuinely crazy things. Mørkredd isn’t a horror game, but we’d wish to have players to be somewhat fearful about the things they will see in the shadow of this sport.

Mørkredd has been 3-player from the initial prototype, which you can view in ancient concept artwork:

We have since decreased to just two gamers — you may even play Mørkredd on your own, controlling both the characters. The greatest design challenge was producing content which would trigger both players with no player being overly dominant during the game. 

We have taken Mørkredd to a lot of conventions and conventions. Watching people react to your sport, loving it, and providing opinions, makes sport development all worthwhile. We won the award for”Best Global Game” in the enormous Indie Game festival BitSummit at Tokyo 2019.

Nordic civilization was a significant impact for us. Some of it occurs by default, since we’re constantly carrying our civilization together at some capacity. The very idea of shadow is readily tied into our long winters, even in which virtually almost any light source is a good solace. Throughout the darkest portion of this year at Oslo we just have sun out of 9 a.m. to 4 pm, so in the event you work indoors you might not observe sunlight whatsoever on weekdays.

I feel the Nordic people generally love darkness along with the sensation of depression over other areas. Our civilization has origins in paganism and norse mythology and also people have definitely motivated our job from Mørkredd.


Xbox has a very long history of encouraging and encouraging smaller matches — especially indie matches. Launch the game on Xbox feels just like coming home, and we are very proud that Mørkredd is going to be our very first name on Xbox. Additionally, we love how the game will soon be available on all of the programs from the Xbox ecosystem using one purchase! And obviously Xbox Game Pass!

I am really surprised at how much like the last game would be to the exact initial theories. I feel as we went to a massive round trip in evolution trying out instructions which were different from the first vision. We hope you like Mørkredd, also send our respect to this Orb.

Mørkredd is the word for fear of the dark, and You’ll Have to use shadow and light to resolve puzzles in a darkened world motivated by long distances and Nordic […]