A new report alleges that Joss Whedon threatened to harm Gal Gadot’s career on the set of Justice League. Last year, Gal Gadot opened up about her time on the set of the Justice League reshoots that were overseen by Joss Whedon, with the Wonder Woman actress saying that her experience with the director “wasn’t […]
Netflix revealed they will not be moving forward with the second season of Jupiter’s Legacy and will now move forward with a Supercrooks live-action series. Jupiter’s Legacy was the latest superhero show to hit the streaming service waves, but it now sounds like it was the beginning of the end. According to Deadline, Netflix will […]
La Bourse de Paris prolongeait sa hausse de la semaine dernière mardi au retour du long week-end de Pâques, dans un climat économique encourageant aux Etats-Unis et en Chine. A 09H25, l’indice CAC 40 prenait 41,83 points à 6.144,79 points. Jeudi, la cote parisienne avait fini en hausse de 0,59%. « Il faut dire que les […]