Games World

Mini Review: This Is The Zodiac Speaking – A Murder Mystery Riddled With Technical Hiccups

Gaming can be murder.

If you’re not overly familiar with the case of the Zodiac Killer, then chances are you’ve at least heard of it. The titular killer’s identity was never uncovered, and as such has been the focal point of many books, TV shows, and movies ever since. This is the Zodiac Speaking joins a growing list of games to tackle the subject, and although its investigative gameplay is – in many ways – authentic to the real-life case, it’s also an experience that’s riddled with technical hiccups, which makes it almost impossible to recommend.

You play as Robert Hartnell, who is directly based on the real-life Zodiac survivor Bryan Hartnell. After his close encounter with the killer, Robert suffers from psychological trauma, frequently experiencing nightmares and subsequently spending time in therapy to address his symptoms. The nightmares themselves form part of the gameplay, and from a pacing perspective, they do successfully inject some much-needed change from the rest of the monotonous gameplay.

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