
Nikola Attempts to silence critics Using copyright takedowns of All YouTube Movies

A truck rolling down a hill.

Expand / A 2018 Nikola film revealed the Nikola One prototype rolling down a mysterious mountain in Utah. Nikola currently says it never promised the truck has been driving under its {} . (charge: Nikola)

Nikola has issued copyright-takedown finds targeting critics YouTube who employed clips of this promotional video where a Nikola model truck had been observed rolling down a mountain.

Nikola past month confessed the promotional movie of a supposedly practical Nikola One electrical truck moving across a highway really consisted of the provider’s vehicle rolling. Last week, Nikola”compelled the elimination of numerous significant videos from YouTube, stating they infringed its copyright by utilizing footage in the business,” such as the truck-rolling-downhill movie and also the Financial Times reported .

Sam Alexander is just one of two fiscal commentators who’d videos eliminated by Google subsidiary YouTube in Nikola’s petition. He states four of the movies were shot down.

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