I turned to a friend the other night and asked, “Doesn’t California have a recall election every other month?” The truth is that this is only the second gubernatorial recall effort to proceed, though they’ve had lower office ones as well. What I hadn’t remembered is that the last one produced so much overwrought and… […]
Twenty-four years ago today, Michael Jordan played in Game 5 of the NBA Finals against the Utah Jazz while being — as the band Disturbed would say — down with the sickness after getting food poisoning from a pizza delivered to his hotel room the night before by five randos. Read more…
Hosting an Olympics of any kind is like when it’s your turn to host a house party after you turn 30. Yes, we all like social gatherings and it’s fun seeing everyone, but I have to spend money to feed people who dirty shit up, judge my house, complain about the free food, and then […]