
Turning code to Songs: Anagrams, open source Marxism, along with VR raves

Expand (charge: Aurich Lawson / / Getty Images) Pop artists have spent centuries {} technologies to push the bounds of the artwork, by the Theremin to mid century cassette experiments. In spite of this fascination, just a very small market have gone so much to programmatically create music via code. In a period of approximately […]


The Insanity of Susanna Clarke, fairy princess

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell lovers, it is a fantastic fall. Can fairies exist? To throw away us, to throw curses, to impurify our own bloodlines? Let us say yes. We’ve got artists, do not we? Sensitive kinds, therefore brittle and retreating. The very top of these look touched by means of an otherness, an […]


Seismic Noise waves crossing on the deep Sea could be a Brand New thermometer

Expand / / A seismometer on the atoll of Diego Garcia (left) can compute sea temperature with earthquakes close Sumatra (appropriate ). (charge: Wu et al./ / Science) Geophysics has indicated that exact dimensions and a tiny modeling can do wonders, such as showing us the comprehensive arrangement of the planet’s interior regardless of the […]


Here’s Who Kamala Harris Thinks Is the ‘Best Rapper Alive’

For Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris, Tupac “lives on.” That’s why she deemed him the “best rapper alive” during the NAACP’s virtual convention Friday (Sept. 25).  CNN’s Angela Rye, who moderated the event, then reminded the California senator that has been dead since 1996. “I keep doing that,” Harris laughed in response. {“nid”:”9443110″,”type”:”post”,”title”:”Kamala Harris Crashes Brandy & […]


This TikTok Has Everyone Listening to Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Dreams’ Again

Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” cruised to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1977. Forty-three years later, TikTok user @420doggface208 is jamming to the hit while cruising on his skateboard, and it’s gaining rotation again. In the short clip that’s already received 2.7 million views on the social platform, he’s seen boarding on the road, lip-syncing […]


This Week on Xbox: September 25, 2020

We know you’re busy and might miss out on all the exciting things we’re talking about on Xbox Wire every week. If you’ve got a few minutes, we can help remedy that. We’ve pared down the past week’s news into one easy-to-digest article for all things Xbox! Or, if you’d rather watch than read, you […]