
EU seeks new powers to Punish tech giants

Belgien, Brussel, Europaische Kommission, Berlaymont-Gebaude, Europa-Flaggen

Expand / / Belgien, Brussel, Europaische Kommission, Berlaymont-Gebaude, Europa-Flaggen (charge: Westend61 | Getty Images)

The EU would like to equip itself with new forces to carry on large technology businesses, including the capacity to induce them to split up or sell a few of their European operations when their market dominance is required to undermine the interests of consumers and smaller competitors.

EU commissioner Thierry Breton told the Financial Times that the suggested treatments, which he stated would only be utilised in extreme conditions, also incorporate the capacity to exclude big technology classes from the only market entirely.

Furthermore, Brussels is contemplating a rating system which would enable the people and stakeholders to evaluate firms’ behaviour in areas like tax compliance and the speed by which they just take down content that is illegal.

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