You most probably have a go-to preferred restaurant, if it's {} or only a neighborhood eatery on town. But a lot of food fans also understand the heartbreak that accompanies your favourite restaurant closing permanently. And when you grew up in the 1970s, you may have had to bid farewell to a variety of your favourite series restaurants.We've piled up a listing of homesick restaurants which have gone out of business entirely or have significantly reduced their surgeries. If you have to try out these 1970s restaurants until they shut, think about yourself lucky.Craving more throwback articles? Don't overlook those 15 Classic American Desserts This Deserve a Comeback.1 Burger ChefThere had been a period in which Burger Chef was the 2nd hottest fast-food series in the us, with just McDonald's boasting more places throughout the USA. And kids of this '70s will keep in mind that time well.The Indiana-based series functioned flame-broiled hamburgers, like the Big Shef, a double cheeseburger with sauce. The series eventually lost steam from the '80s, using the previous place final in 1996. Before its death, Burger Chef has been offered to the business that owns Hardee'therefore, at which the Big Shef was available for limited functions before years.RELATED: The final restaurant and supermarket {} is here! Two Howard Johnson'sAlthough younger generations might understand of Howard Johnson'so thanks to Mad Men, '70s children will recall really seeing the orange-roofed restaurant chain.In its heyday, the series had over 1,000 places, which served as fried clams plus a whopping 28 ice cream flavors. When Marriott obtained the business in 1979 and closed down all of the company-owned areas, the franchise types shut long after.RELATED: Subscribe to our newsletter to receive daily food and recipes information from your inbox! 3 Gino's HamburgersMarriott maintained a couple of franchises at the '80s, including Gino's Hamburgers, that was launched in Baltimore with a set of NFL players at 1957. The series 's trademark hamburger was that the Sirloiner, created from sirloin beef. From the mid-'70s, the series was dispersed across the East Coast and also Trying to open at the Midwest. Back in 1982, it had been offered to Marriott, that switched all those places to Roy Rogers. There continue to be two Gino's Burgers and Chicken places in Maryland today.And for longer chains which didn't endure the test of the time, don't overlook these 17 Failed Chain Restaurants In the 1980s Which Will Make You Feel So Nostalgic.4 Bob's Large BoyAnother Marriott narrative: The renowned hamburger series Bob's Big Boy combined together with the company in 1967 (the series had opened in 1936 at Burbank, California). Working collectively, the organization had countless places throughout the USA from the '70s. Marriott quickly expanded the franchise via the '80s, but beneath various names.But thanks to several franchises and sales, the Big Boy series has grown considerably smaller over the last couple of decades. Even though the oldest-standing Bob's Big Boy remains operating in Burbank and several different places continue to be available, the series hasn’t slipped back from its summit at the '70s.5 White TowerFounded at 1926, White Tower was {} an imitator of White Castle, which has been established five years before. But that didn't prevent it from being a powerhouse in the first fast-food era.While it lurks at the '50s,” White Tower was {} common at the '70s. The restaurant dished out burgers, along with the team members travelled by the nickname”Towerettes.” There's one White Tower place in Toledo, Ohio.And while we're feeling nostalgic, but here are 25 Beloved Tavern Which Are Gone for Great.6 Sambo'sChildren of this '70s will recall defunct chain Sambo's not to your meals, except for the contentious title which finally resulted in its departure. The title”Sambo's” was supposedly employed as a portmanteau of their creators ' titles, however, the owners {} to lean to this significance into the publication The Story of Little Black Sambo.Images of this storybook, including a small boy of colour, functioned as decorations at the shop. Ironically, the restaurant continued to rise and there have been 1,000 areas by 1979. However, as protests within the title climbed, some altered names; from 1981, the firm had registered for bankruptcy.Despite the controversy, even however, that there 's one Sambo's Restaurant place made in Santa Barbara. Luckily, the restaurant declared in June it's altering its title.7 Lum'sWhat began as a tiny hot dog stand in Florida blossomed to a business with 400 franchises in the USA, such as Hawaii. The first place premiered from the 1950s, along with the series grew according to its favorite beer-steamed hot dogs, fried fish, along with frosted glass beers.By the overdue '70s, however, the firm was sold. Aside from 1 place in Nebraska that shut in 2017, other Lum's had shut by 1983. The restaurant series became a favourite, thanks to dishes such as Japanese poultry and herb-roasted prime rib.When it turned into a part of a bigger restaurant series from 1976, there have been over 100 places. Ownership changed hands several times during the '80s, and the company finally went bankrupt.Still, as stated by the Bennigan's {} , you can have a Steak and Ale now, therefore franchising opportunities could be accessible.9 Wag'sDidn't understand Walgreen's been used to have a restaurant series? Well, then you likely weren't a kid from the '70s or even '80s. Very similar to Denny's or Shoney'therefore, the household eatery was a 24-hour institution –a few were built in the drugstore.There were 91 freestanding places once the series sold into the Marriott Corporation in 1988. When Marriott made a decision to market its restaurant organization, Wag's didn't locate that an owner, along with the places all closed down in 1991. RELATED: Understand how to exploit the ability of tea to shed fat.10 VIP'sCasual dining at its best, VIP's has been a renowned series from the Pacific Northwest. VIP's {} in 1968 at Oregon and had risen into 15 restaurants from 1971. It continued to rise throughout the '70s prior to selling more than half its 57 places to Denny's (that had a comparable dining fashion ).Through that the '80s, more places marketed and it finally fizzled out.11 Red BarnShaped such as a real barn, Red Barn restaurant chains weren't difficult to see. The fast-food series –that provided the”Large Barney” and”Barnbuster” burgers plus a self-serve hamburger bar–originated at Ohio at the '60s. From the late '70s, the series was offered a variety of occasions, and all shut from the late night '80s.12 Pup 'N' TacoOK, not every kid of this '70s will understand about Pup 'N' Taco. However, if you grew up in California, you may understand it well. Sounds like an intriguing combo–even though it worked.After the very first place opened in 1956, there have been 102 places by the ancient '80s. The series 's passing was due to the following series: Taco Bell, that purchased each one the Pup 'N' Taco places in 1984.13 Arthur Treacher's Fish&ChipsThe fast-food series that needed to popularize chips and fish in the USA was set in 1969. Serving fried fish, poultry, and fries, Arthur Treacher's popped with over 800 shops in the late '70s. But after a variety of revenue and bankruptcies, just a couple of Arthur Treacher's places remain now.14 Happy ChefAll-day breakfast is just 1 method to make people happy, which 's exactly what Minnesota string Happy Chef planned to perform. The very first place was started in 1963 by three brothers. Along with the restaurants, even with their giant joyful chef greeting clients outside, climbed by the Midwest to over 60 locations.As with a number of these chains, however, curiosity had expired from the 1980s, in part since the series didn't function alcohol. Now, just the first Happy Chef place still stands.15 Burger Queen/Druther'sFast-food series Burger Queen started in Florida in 1956. Very Comparable to Dairy Queen and Burger King, the restaurant served burgers and shakes. However in 1981, most of the places changed their title into Druther's, that was {} of this fried chicken along with self-serve salad bar that has been on the menu.There were approximately 170 restaurants at the U.S. at the period –but 10 decades later, all {} were bought from Dairy Queen. And over a decade, there have been over 200 places across America that offer 10 hamburgers to get a dollar. However, like many hamburger joints, Henry's couldn't even keep up with the contest, and places started shutting rapidly from the late '70s. Now, 1 place stays in Michigan. Therefore, if you're”famished to get a Henry'therefore,” this 's in which you need to go.These restaurants don't exist now (or if they dothey exist at a really reduced form). However, for '70s children, they may be a nostalgic element of your youth memories.And for those times that you 're eating in your home, try these out 52 Life-Changing Kitchen Cleaners Which 'll Be You Appreciate Cooking Again.