Whether it’s a DM, email, or the topic of conversation in one of my group chats, I’ve lost count of the times that I’ve been asked what my favourite concealer is. I can list my top foundations, eyebrow products, and lipsticks, but my mind always goes blank when it comes to concealers. To be completely honest, I […]
Despite enjoying fashion’s proclivity for being flamboyant, I’m usually the sort of person who dodges wearing anything remotely festive. Halloween costumes are a strictly no-go area, Valentine’s Day isn’t worth celebrating (sorry), so then, of course, Christmas jumpers are completely out of the question. Don’t get me wrong—Christmas is one of my favourite times of the […]
Not so long ago, the fashion world was buzzing about the concept of a capsule wardrobe—the kind of compact closet that only held a bare minimum of pieces that all perfectly matched each other with great ease and much time saved in the morning. Perhaps because the economic downturn was ramping up at the same […]