This is probably not very ‘fashion editor’ of me to admit, but I often avoid buying items of clothing that are purely designed for the summer months. Perhaps it’s because I have always been drawn to the cosy layers of autumn (I’m a November baby), or maybe it’s simply my inner budgeter who resents spending money on items that last for a […]
Even before the slipper-clad months of lockdown, I never would’ve considered myself a ‘heels person’. Yes, I do enjoy a heeled boot during the winter months, but when it comes to needle-thin stilettos and arch-crippling soles, I’m afraid my tolerance is fairly low. This is why shopping for party shoes has become my fashion nemesis, and with my 30th […]
I’m not really sure when I first smelled the Boy Smells Ash candle. I think I was having one of my regular candle sniffing sessions at Selfridges, London and came across the brand, which I had become aware of after the launch of their famed Kush candle. I guess I was perusing the shelves and was […]